TEFL & English Schools homepage

This section covers language jobs, teaching English and courses in the subject to help you find a job. Many of the companies in this section also employ none teaching staff in areas such as Summer Schools and day camps. To see welfare, activity and support jobs in summer schools and camps check out the summer camp section.

TEFL stands for "Teaching English as a Foreign Language." It refers to the practice of teaching the English language to non-native speakers from countries where English is not the primary language. TEFL teachers are often employed in language schools, private institutions, public schools, and online platforms to help individuals improve their English language skills for various purposes, including academic, professional, or personal communication. Qualified English teachers can find jobs all over the world. This section is dedicated to TEFL jobs and courses, it also includes news and advice articles from practising TEFL teachers.

TEFL certification programs are available both in-person and online. Online TEFL courses are particularly convenient for those looking to pursue TEFL while studying from home. Courses cover various aspects of teaching English, including lesson planning, classroom management, language assessment, and teaching methodologies.

TEFL teachers work in a variety of settings, including private language schools offering English courses to students of all ages from children on kids camps to adult night classes. Some countries hire TEFL teachers to work in state schools to improve students' English. There are businesses that hire TEFL teachers to provide English training to employees.

Teaching English online has become increasingly popular, allowing teachers to work with students from around the world. Online is also a popular option for taking a TEL course and these are widely available.

Latest TEFL jobs and courses

English Language Teacher

WHAT DOES THIS JOB INVOLVE?English Language Teachers at ISSOS are all fully qualified. Working as a team at the start of the programme, you will meet

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Embassy Summer Day 2 04075
EFL Teacher

Position Summary:Teachers facilitate the development of the Life Skills and Academic Skills of the students’ by engaging the students in conversation

  • Competitive weekly salary
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Baner 4
Get Your TEFL Qualification While Exploring Europe

Dreaming of becoming a TEFL-certified teacher while exploring Europe? With Angloville's AngloTEFL Scholarship, you can get your TEFL qualification in

8 countries
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TEFL employers & course providers

TEFL Video Channel

Hangman in a Tanzanian classroom

This is a great way to break up a formal English Lesson. This game helps the children with their words and spelling whilst also allowing them to have some fun!

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Oyster Volunteer Teacher in Chile

Ceri teaching a fantastic lesson about colours

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Welcome to Oyster

Giving you an introduction to Oyster and all that we offer.

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A look at a Samiad Summer School Summer!

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