Childcare Jobs homepage

Most of the sectors covered on Season Workers contain childcare related jobs abroad and in the UK. This section pulls all the childcare jobs and placements together for you.

Qualified Nannies and Childcare Professionals have a great advantage in securing overseas summer and ski childcare jobs, while pretty much anyone can volunteer their time (and sometimes money) to go and work with kids in all sorts of situations all over the world. Au-pairing is another possibility, we have covered au pair work in a seperate section because its neither a standard job or a voluntary placement. Childcare jobs are prevalent in the Outdoor Adventure Jobs sector, as most of the companies in this area are geared up for taking groups of children.

Season Workers
Summer School Activity Leader (Counselor)

WHAT DOES THIS JOB INVOLVE?Counselors at ISSOS work as a team to look after the welfare of up to 160 students aged 13-18 years old. They also help to

United States
United States
  • £2000 GBP per session
  • Provided
Childcare Manager
Childcare Manager

Are you passionate about working with children?Would you like to work abroad?Do you have experience working in a management or supervisory role? If so

  • Competitive
  • Provided
Latest opportunities image
House Parent

Position Summary: The House Parent is responsible for the pastoral care and well-being of all the pupils who are resident in their allocated accommoda

  • £588.37 per week
  • Provided

Featured Childcare Recruiters

Childcare Jobs Video Channel

Life Summer Camp in America

Life at Summer Camp in America with USA Summer Camp

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A day in the life Training Ski Famille

Here is a sneak peak of what our employees get up to in training week! It is a fun and interactive experience for everyone and a great time to get to know your colleagues. We love getting to know you all and watch you all become part of the Ski Famille family. If you’d like to join us, get in touch today!

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90 Days of Epic!

Did you have 90 days of EPIC this summer? Make sure you sign up for Camp America 2019 where you are guaranteed to have 90 days of EPIC!

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Au Pair in America

Our First NYC Warm Welcome Session!

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